Unicorn Studio

In 1989, on a leisure tour to China, Ms. Kao discovered an abundance of raw talents in arts,sculpture and handicrafts

Kneeling Roman Commander with Sword Letter Opener Cold Cast Bronze Pen Holder

SKU: 15749530
6.75" long, 3.75" wide, 7.2" tall.

Stock Market Bull & Bear Fighting Cold Cast Bronze Statue

SKU: 15749532
7.5" long, 3.75" wide, 6.25" tall.

Leonardo da Vinci 'The Last Supper' Cold Cast Bronze Statue

SKU: 15916505
13" long, 3" wide, 4.8" tall.

Divino Niño Jesús Cold Cast Bronze Figurine

SKU: 15749524
6.9" tall.

Lady Justice Kneeling Holding a Sword & Scales Cold Cast Bronze Figurine

SKU: 100003093
L 3 1/8", W 5 1/8", H 6 3/4"

Holy Bible Book Shaped Nativity Set Cold Cast Bronze

SKU: 15749536
7.2" long, 2.4" wide, 5.25" tall.