Kingspoint Designs

Kingspoint Designs specializes in manufacturing enameled trinket boxes, often featuring animals... and sometimes a matching necklace!

Kingspoint Designs Oceana the Nautilus Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 21378507
2" Tall, 3" Long. 20" Chain

Kingspoint Designs Don the Dolphin & Sid the Sea Turtle Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 21378508
3.3" Tall, 3.5" Long. 20" Chain

Kingspoint Designs Appaloosa Horse Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 21378510
3.55" Tall, 5.4" Long. 20" Chain

Kingspoint Designs Frisky the Frog & Dragonfly Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 21378511
1.75" Tall, 3.75" Long, 1.8" Wide. 20" Chain

Kingspoint Designs Carrie the Cardinal Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 21378513
2.25" Tall, 2.5" Long. 20" Chain