For Her

Discover the perfect gift for her with The Silver Queen's curated collection. Our range features elegant jewelry, beautiful home decor items, and thoughtful accessories designed to delight any woman. Whether you're shopping for a birthday, anniversary, or just because, our collection offers something for every taste and style. Each piece is crafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring a gift that will be cherished. Explore our selection and find the perfect present to make her feel special. Shop now at The Silver Queen and surprise her with a gift of elegance and sophistication.

Kingspoint Designs Snowy the White Bunny Rabbit Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003416
2.5" tall, 2.25" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Flying Pig Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003417
2.75" tall, 2.8" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Tigress the Dragonfly Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003419
1" tall, 2.75" long, 3.75" wide. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Beautiful Dragonfly Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003421
1" tall, 2.75" long, 3.75" wide. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Brilliant Golden Butterfly Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003423
1" tall, 2.6" long, 3.4" wide. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Strutting Peacock Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003425
2.75" tall, 5.2" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Queen Sheba the Peacock Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003426
5.25" tall, 6.2" wide, 2" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Fancy Peacock Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003427
3.25" tall, 3.8" wide, 1.5" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Stunning Peacock on a Branch Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003428
4.6" tall, 3.25" long, 3.2" wide. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Honey the Hummingbird with Flower Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003429
3" tall, 3.5" long, 1.75" wide. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Twinkle & Star the Owls Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003430
2.25" tall, 2.25" wide, 1.25" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Mrs. Owl with Owlet Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003431
3.4" tall, 3.1" wide, 2" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Skylar the Snowy Owl Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003432
2.55" tall, 3" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Baltimore the Oriole Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003433
2.5" tall, 3.5" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Mandarin Duck Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003434
2" tall, 3.1" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Robin Red-Breast Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003435
2" tall, 2.1" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Blue Bird Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003436
2.5" tall, 3" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Blue Jay on Flowering Branch Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003437
3.6" tall, 2.5" long, 3.1" wide. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Mimi the Mockingbird Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003438
2.6" tall, 3.2" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Springtime the Robin Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003439
3" tall, 3.5" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Dainty the Puffin Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003444
3" tall, 2" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs Baby Mermaid in Lily Pad Cradle Trinket Box with Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003451
1.9" tall, 2.75" wide, 2.2" long. 20" chain.

Kingspoint Designs 'Happiness' Purple Egg Trinket Box with Stand & Matching Necklace

SKU: 100003453
2.5" tall (with stand). 20" chain.